

A glassy substance, usually opaque, applied by fusion to the surface of dial, it is for ornament and for strong protection.

Up Plating

It is a delicately made metallic logo or trademark plating usually on dials.

Applied Index

By dropping the special glue on the 12 o’clock positions of the dial, under controlled time, the metallic or diamond index is applied on 12 position of dial.


By an art of engraving with acid on surface of dial, also the print taken from the metal plate so engraved. In hard-ground etching the dial, usually of copper, is given a thin coating or ground of acid-resistant resin. This is sometimes smoked so that lines scratched through the resin will be clearly visible.

Photo dial

It is the creative photos plating on the dial.

Screen printing

A printmaking technique creates a sharp-edged image using a stencil. In clock & watch industry, this technique is applied on printing trademarks or creating logo, pictures on dials, or on plastic mirror & watch band.

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